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第2回 大津ふれあい音楽祭
日時 | 2018年5月20日(日) 14:00~16:00 |
会場 | 姫路市立大津小学校 体育館 |
主催者 | 大津まちづくり協議会 |
後援 | 兵庫県(兵庫県成立150周年)、 姫路市、姫路市教育委員会、 姫路文化芸術財団 |
出演者 | 橋詰智博(指揮・音楽監督)、松本温子(ソプラノ)、 ジョンソン愛梨(ヴァイオリン)、雲山陸(トランペット)、 岩永紘樹(ピアノ)、柳瀬陸(チューバ)、 アンサンブル・ドルチェ(リコーダー)、 大津中学校吹奏楽部、兵庫県立大学オーケストラ |
演奏曲 | 仮面舞踏会より「ワルツ」、ハンガリー舞曲第5番、海 ほか |
from 橋詰智博 :
昨年度に監督をさせていただいた地元の音楽祭の第2回目でした。今回は地元の中学生、プロ演奏家による演奏だけでなく、兵庫県立大学の学生さんの協力のもと、オーケストラで映画のテーマ音楽等を演奏するなど、迫力のある演奏会になりました。 さらなる地域活性化とクラシック音楽普及のため、中学校の美術部学生に描いてもらった絵をプログラムに使用、また、オーケストラをバックにヴァイオリンを子どもたちに演奏してもらう体験コーナーもプログラムに盛り込み、芸術をより身近に体感してもらえるよう、全体構成をしました。
The 2nd “Otsu Music Festival”
Date | 20 May, 2018 14:00~16:00 |
Venue | Otsu Elementary School in Himeji |
Organized by | Otsu Local Community Council |
Supported by : | Hyogo Prefecture (designated as the official event of the 150th anniversary of Hyogo Prefectural Government), Himeji City, Himeji City Education Committee, Himeji Cultural Foundation |
Performers | Tomohiro HASHIZUME (conductor / director), Atsuko MATSUMOTO (Sop), Airi JOHNSON(Vn), Riku KUMOYAMA(Tp), Hiroki IWANAGA(Pf), Riku YANANOSE(Tuba), Ensemble Dolce(Recorder), Otsu JHS Brass Band, Hyogo Prefectural University Orchestra |
Performed Pieces (excerpt) | Hungarian Dance No.5, A Whole New World, Yesterday Once More, J-pop medley, Canon by Pachelbel, Theme music of Hurry Potter, Waltz from Masquerade Japanese folk songs |
Message from Tomohiro:
Last year, I was in charge of this festival and this is the second time for me. This time, I’d like to try something different from the one last year, so I offered the strings orchestra and the brass band of the university to collaborate at this concert. Thanks to their favors, I conducted their orchestra to perform famous music for audience. The venue was an elementary school and many people, even who had rarely chances to go to any orchestra concert with some reasons, could enjoy nice orchestra performance just in front of them. What a wonderful moment it was for them ! Parents with little kids or people with disabilities or difficulties enjoyed fine music. Needless to say, hundreds of local people had a nice afternoon, and I felt the power of music. In addition, I made a special opportunity for kids to try playing the violin, of course this was the first time for them, and collaborating with the university orchestra. It was a very exciting attempt to attract kids and parents. I also adopted the pictures, drawn by local JHS students, on the programme. Thus, plannning and organizing a music festival is extremely fascinating and honourable for me, and I cannot help involving or devoting myself in such a wonderful work !
